Sorry, this is a picture-less post. I hate picture-less posts. They're long and boring and too laundry-list-ish. I have enough laundry lists in my life, and lo and behold, this post is a laundry-list. But it doesn't have to look like one. So, this is a non-knitty picture, but a picture all the same.
This is a picture of DD's arm in a purple cast as she's finger painting. Luckily the cast is waterproof. She has her hand jammed in her purple bowl of paint. She loves purple, if you didn't know.The following pictures are of us entertaining ourselves while on the plane going to the beach. Dad has a nifty new mac laptop with a built-in camera and this great photo program called PhotoBooth. You should check it out sometime. Very fun.
Because I am changing jobs, I've set a number of 30-day goals for myself, including wrapping up my WIPs. I know I'll be immersed in the new job (TNJ), responsibilities, people, culture, not to mention the actual work of TNJ, and I don't want those UFOs taunting me.
We're also going out of town the rest of this week and weekend, and I'll have valuable knitting time but not much finishing/blocking time.
Linen Lace Handtowel: I'm making 2 of these for MIL for Christmas, and I'm on the final border of the second handtowel. I hope to BO today, block tomorrow, and finish next week.
9:30 pm update: 2nd handtowel is blocking now. All ends are woven in, and all that remains is packaging and wrapping.DD's Rug: This is an on-going WIP and won't be finished before TNJ.
Anouk Pinafore: I've finished all of the knitting (pockets, tabs, dress) and weaving in the ends. I need to figure out how to sew the pockets on, and then a good block. Actually, I think I'll block the pockets and dress first and
then sew on the pockets. Hopefully that will make seaming easier. I doubt I'll have time to block this tomorrow before we leave, so it will have to wait until next week or weekend.
Baby Tart Hat to match Anouk: I haven't actually started this, but since this is a gift set, I need to start and finish it before TNJ. This will be a good knit over the vacation this week - small, easy to carry, and easy to knit. Hopefully I'll finish it this week, block next, finish the pinafore, and give to my dear friend the first week of August.
Baby Kimono and Hat: I finished the pink set and now need to finish the blue set. All are knit, but I need to seam the kimono, weave in the ends, and block. Maybe I'll take it with me on vacation to work on in some down time. Block next week or the week after, package, wrap, and ship to the expecting cousin.
Tempting II: I put this down in utter frustration over a month ago. I wasn't actually frustrated at the piece but rather with adult knitting all together. I'm still skeptical I have any ability to knit adult pieces that look good (I still haven't worn either my Honeymoon Cami or HC Companion), but I may actually try to finish this one.
SKC Knit-along is inspiring me, though I'm really nervous about the neckline and sleeves. I've finished 12" of the 13" body, and next are the sleeves and neckline. It's so close, but so far. Maybe I'll work on this the first week in August, wrapping up the second before starting TNJ the third week.