* gone to the mall twice (once before it was open, not realizing it didn't open at 9)
* bought new running shoes for me and exchanged DD's shoes for ones that fit her
* gone to DH's office twice (once to drop him off, again to get the housekey since I gave mine to the cat sitter)
* CVS (which I have to go back to since their pharmacist was swamped)
* tailor (which I have to go back to since they didn't have my stuff done)
* dry cleaner (which I have to go back to tomorrow to pick up the stuff)
* yarn store
The last one is the savings grace - I hate doing things multiple times, and as you can see from the list above, I have several things to do over again. Grr.
I'm vacationing with my ILs, and I'm in the middle of knitting MIL's second lace handtowel. SO, I just had to get a different project, since I don't want MIL to see her Christmas present in June.
So I'm starting on Anouk by Kate Gilbert for a dear coworker. My friend's only criterion (when I asked her opinion) was no pastels, which I happily complied.

I'm knitting Anouk in Cascade 220 Superwash, as my LYS didn't have the Pima Tencel. It wasn't too bad - 4 skeins total (at $10/skein), and I'll have enough left over for a matching hat and little purse. I also picked up new bamboo addis - yum yum. I think that's the best part.

You can see here that the yarn is getting ready for baby knits.

Sadly in the store I decided to knit the body in green with purple border and pink flowers, and when I got home, I changed my mind and decided to knit the body in purple with green border and pink flowers. Which means I now have to go BACK to the LYS (about 15 min drive one way) to get the correct yardage of yarn. But that's a happy trip. I just have to make sure to exchange the yarn and not buy more. ;)
PS - Deirdre - I can't seem to email you, but I've been checking up on you and trying to leave posts. Hope the cyber world works for you soon!