Workouts are spotty, but I'm getting them in slowly. Yesterday was a 30' jog. Today was 75' step. Nice.
Knitting is going well, too. I completely finished my sister's Christmas present (finished the second armhole of the Lotus Blossom tank) and it's off to the cleaners for a good wash and press. Finished the front and back of DD's baby sweater, and now I have the arms. I'm worried I won't have enough yarn, but it's a sweater for a 2 YO, so hopefully I will have enough (esp if I mix in some other colors, which I'm thinking about doing).
I finished my first pair of socks, too! Pics to come (I say that every time - I'm a liar). Actually, I will take pics since these are my first socks. I CO for *my* socks (jaywalkers), but I'm thinking of CO for my grandfather's Christmas pair.

OK, onward. Gotta get pics someday, but now to return to work.
Wow...your amount of knitting blows me away... I'm lucky these days if I finish an infant hat and pair of sockies every week and a half...
I'm also impressed with how many projects you have going at one time. I usually max out with three.
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