Don't conference organizers know that they're supposed to build in sufficient do-nothing time so that the knitters of the world can make progress on their UFOs? Obviously the organizers of this conference hadn't heard one whit about that, as I made NO progress on my two projects that I had planned to FINISH by the end of the conference. It was non-stop, and I'm so relieved to be home to slow down that I can barely stand it.

Thank goodness for Project Spectrum. I have a battery of
green pics to populate those days when I have no knitting pics. I'm a bad knitter. This, by the way, is lettuce if you couldn't tell. Yup, lettuce. I love the stuff.
I did bind off the baby kimono this morning during my half-morning comp-time recovery at home. It needs to be stitched and blocked, but otherwise it's done. I'm still working diligently on the Honeymoon Companion. I may have to abandon the seed stitch neck border, as after 5 rounds of different techniques, I still can't seem to get it right. One last try on a swatch, and it if doesn't work, it's a normal V-neck shaping with no border.
OK, back to work land. I take comfort in knowing it supports my yarn addiction.
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