My rainy socks look pretty different from the pattern. I wonder if I should go up a needle size, even though the socks are loose on me. Mine stretch out and skew the pattern, even though it helps them stay up. The ones in the pattern look very pretty and lush, and they look like they stay up.
I'm just starting on the second sock now, so I'll try the larger needles again. Oh, and this morning I discovered I did NOT do a provisional cast on for the first pair. Come to find out I actually simply knitted on a scrap of waste yarn and then knitted the Cake yarn to it. No wonder i had such a hard time removing that darned yarn. Hopefully this time will be much better. Thanks to the online video tutorial (added in my side bar). It really helped clear things up.
Now see...that's so far thinking of you--I keep looking at the diagrams of the provisional cast-on going "mhhmm...maybe...no...yeah...I got it...nope. NOt at all."
If they fit and you like them, why change? They look very nice, btw.
OMG, where have I been? Your blog has been green for... 2 weeks? I luuuuuuuuurv it. Green so pretty! Looks like I've got a lot of catch-up reading to do.
Your socks are beautiful! In the pattern picture they don't fall down on the model because they've been spray starched to her legs. Plus, yours look longer. Longer is nicer but longer falls down more dramatically.
Further comments after this morning's quality time with "Tales..."
Those sock gussets are sex-EE! Seriously, there's nothing I like fondling better than a well picked-up, well decreased gusset. I am totally turned on by the whole heel turning, gusset making process of sock knitting. Who came up with that? I want to meet her in the next or after-life.
As for provisional cast-ons, I learned how to in an old Interweave Knits issue that had a Myrna Stahman pattern for a Seaman's scarf. It was in the Fall 98 issue which is no longer available for sale but might be at a library. I'm guessing Stahman's book about shawls & scarves might also have the directions/drawings. They were so excellent, I managed a flawless provisional cast-on my very first time and it has become one of my favorite methods. I take absolutely NO credit for this. All success belongs firmly on the quality of the directions. I don't own Stahman's book so I can't confirm whether the directions are included, but here's a link to it anyway:
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